Christmas, Chaos and Constipation 🚽💩
Movement Skills For Better Movement. 💩
Bodyspace Movement Newsletter 3 January 2024
I thought I’d kick off my first newsletter of 2024 with some reflections on busyness, stress and your bowels.
The festive season often means changes in what we eat, dealing with stressful relationships and less activity (here in the UK at least).
Right at the time when nature is going to ground and hibernating, we seem to pile extra jobs on the list and it can impact simple regulatory processes like bowel movements.
The rest and digest branch of the nervous system is sensitive and when conditions are normal, calm and safe, all those necessary processes happen smoothly in the background.
But when there is anything that we experience as stress, threat or aggravation - think of staying with a tricky relative, a challenging conversation over the Christmas turkey or driving to 5 different houses in 3 days, sleeping in different beds and navigating traffic in the dark - all these factors can tip the balance and the simple process of digesting food falls out of whack.
Constipation is uncomfortable.
It can feel like back pain, bloating is inevitable and if you have any hint of pelvic floor sensitivity or symptoms associated with prolapse, it can be a nightmare.
Straining is never a good idea. Start with the Fart Position (see below) for some quick relief, followed by drinking more water and taking a walk with a little Crop Dusting (explained below).
When it comes to going to the toilet, it’s something we all need to do and it just so happens that how you move through your day, your posture and movement habits, where you hold tension and what you do when on the loo all have significant impact on your pelvic health, digestive processes and how you feel in your body moment to moment or movement to movement 😉.
Normally this kind of topic doesn’t really come up in your weekly pilates, yoga or exercise class.
How you hold yourself on a daily basis, the positions you spend the most time in and those unconscious habits like holding your tummy in, all have a significant impact on smooth transit from top to bottom.
Going to the toilet can become a great source of distress, stress and strain which is bad news long term for already tense and stressed tissues
FYI, Crop Dusting is a very useful tip for balancing the pressures that can build up in the abdomen and bowel. Next time you’re feeling a bit stuck, take yourself for a walk and ‘let her rip’ - affectionately known as Crop Dusting, this is the perfect solution to alleviating some pressure and if you’re outside, no-one needs to know!
Holding in gas is not good for anyone - least of all anyone with an already stressed out pelvic floor.