Bodyspace Blog
Updates, observations and reflections on movement, teaching movement, feet, footwear and resources and recommendations from the field…
Pressure Underfoot
Can you handle any pressure underfoot? Sensitivity can limit how you move, where you go and what you do on a daily basis. Restoring tolerance to different pressures is possible with gradual exposure to different shapes and textures using different props. If you can tolerate more pressure, your feet will be more receptive to different inputs and your confidence in walking, balance and more will benefit.
Transition Shoes For Barefoot Beginners
Switching to barefoot minimal shoes requires a gradual process and time for your feet to get used to the more flexible shoe with minimal sole. Transitioning gradually with shoes that have some cushion is great way to start plus some daily foot conditioning. Here’s how…
I’ve just bought a standing desk. What now?
Standing work stations are great in theory but not so great if you just end up holding one position the whole time you are using it, reinforcing some of the problems that probably led to you ditching your chair for the standing desk in the first place. Here’s what you can do to mix it up and bring in more movement variation.
What Does Strength Look Like?
I have been exploring approaches to working on strength and balance which you could argue is more about coordination, patience, constancy and focus rather than building muscle bulk and sweating a lot.
Are you new to Restorative Movement?
I have a new class in Oxford with spaces available if you are a beginner or have been thinking about getting in touch and are not sure how to start. This is a small group which means you can really focus on learning the foundations for better movement and how it relates to your body in more detail.
Need a Walking Aid? These are great!
I recently had a chance to ‘road test’ some Cool Crutches for a client. I have not used crutches or walking aids on a regular basis but had a go at using two different brands.
Are Your Shoes The Right Size For YOUR Feet?
Have you measured your bare foot shape over the top of the insole of your favourite shoes? It makes for an interesting exercise.
Here’s why it’s worth doing.
My Do’s and Don’ts, and Helpful Definitions
A bit more about me and my approach to teaching.
Christmas, Chaos and Constipation 🚽💩
I thought I’d kick off my first newsletter of 2024 with some reflections on busyness, stress and your bowels.
The festive season often means changes in what we eat, dealing with stressful relationships and less activity (here in the UK at least).
Navigating Women’s Health Through Movement
Movement matters when it comes to navigating the broad arc of women’s health through different stages of life. Pre and postnatal, menstrual health, perimenopause, menopause, pelvic health long term, bone and joint health, mobility, nervous system regulation and sleep are all aspects of women’s health that can be affected through different stages of life. This new class series is dedicated to providing space and time in the week for you to slow down, tune in, move in ways that balance tensions, restore ease of breathing and movement and improve confidence. Learn more here.
What should I wear on my feet when I’m dancing?
Free form dance is fantastic, but what should you wear on your feet? The answer is in the history of your feet and how much time they spend on different surfaces shoe-free. My advice is to dance barefoot in short bursts so long as the surface is clean and you’re pain free. The next best thing is to wear flexible, zero-drop sole shoes that have a wide toe box and are foot-friendly.
Constructive Rest: The Unsung Hero of Self Care in Menopause
It’s Menopause Awareness Month, and amidst the sea of advice and information which, in itself can be overwhelming for any person going through perimenopause and menopause, I'm going to champion the unsung hero of menopausal wellness: Constructive Rest.
How Constructive Rest Can Ease Symptoms of Pelvic Organ Prolapse
How Constructive Rest Eases Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Enhances Sleep
Constructive Rest: The Benefits of Getting Down To Ground Level
Get down on the floor, roll, stretch and release using highly effective techniques grounded in restorative practice, mindfulness, nervous system regulation and massage. Taking time to prepare the body for deep rest is a skill that comes with a multitude of benefits to your digestive system, nervous system, scar tissue flexibility, pelvic floor, muscle tone and more.
Here’s What Inspires Me To Walk More
Walking lets you experience the world from ground level.
Try This After A Long Walk
A deceptively simple way to release lower back tension in preparation for, during and after a really long walk.
Walking Motivation: Try A Colour Walk!
Struggle with motivation to get outside at the moment? Try a COLOUR WALK