Walking Motivation: Try A Colour Walk!

I don’t know about you, but adjusting to this time of year takes a bit of time given the changes in light, temperature and the increased dampness.

The motivation to get out for a walk is definitely lacking when there is more mud on the paths.

To make the transition a little easier, I took myself on a Colour Walk.

Basically, decide on a colour and challenge yourself to find it in your environment for the duration of the walk.

Above are some snaps from my recent trails - can you guess what colour I was looking for?

After a few minutes of walking, I started to see red EVERYWHERE and actually found myself looking more acutely all around me.

I caught sight of red details on all sorts of things and I had a lovely time snapping whatever I saw that had a dash of red.

An easy colour to start with perhaps, but you get the idea.

So next time you’re begrudgingly heading out for a walk, pick a tricky colour to seek out and see what you come across - you might just enjoy it!


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