My Favourite Shoes

GROUNDIES UNIVERSE with Anatomical Toe Box.

Based in Germany, GROUNDIES are made with their TrueSense® sole, that guarantees a sensitive walking experience.

These shoes are soft, wide, durable, stylish and extremely comfortable!

And won’t break the bank.

I often get asked for tips on shoes that are foot-friendly without looking too ‘sensible’.

I have tried several brands over the last 6 years and definitely have my favourites.

What is a foot friendly shoe?

One that doesn’t cause you pain, promote ingrown toenails, aggravate your bunions or force your foot into a shape that is different to what you were born with.

Ideally, for happy feet, consider the following:

  • can you spread your toes within your shoes?

  • is the toe box is wide enough or is your big toe is being forced into a deviated position? (think cranky bunions…)

  • are they flexible? Can the 26 bones and 33 joints in each foot get moved in various ways with every step

  • is there zero heel rise, so you wear your weight through your heels rather than being tipped forward towards the smaller structures of the feet.

It might seem ridiculously simple to change your shoes but I’m here to say it does make a difference - to everything above.

Over the next few months I’m going to share my favourite shoe brands in the newsletter, so sign up if you’re not already on the list.

You don’t know until you try and in my experience, there’s no going back. Think happier feet, happier toenails, happier knees, hips and lower back.


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