Flip The Floor

Flip The Floor is something I like to do in my mind when I'm in a position.
It helps bring more understanding of where you might be a bit off or not quite 'online' in whatever move you're exploring.
When seated in the Long Sit, I ask myself, if my back was against the wall right now where would I need to put my attention?
Lying on my back, if my feet are up in the air, what if my soles were standing on a solid surface?
Playing with this helps create reference points in the body and you can use this to figure out where you are in space.
Long Sit is the position I'm in in the photos but if you flip the floor, I'm also in Legs Up The Wall, Standing Forward Fold, Supine Leg Stretch, Shoulder Stand Preparation, the list goes on.
We can get stuck thinking of postures/exercises in isolation but when you flip the floor, you discover that what you feel in that same position is completely different depending on your relationship to gravity.
Another one I like to consider is this:

What if we took the floor away completely?

I think that's called levitation / swimming / floating / freestyling...🙃🙃🙃


The Art Of Lying Down


Elsa & Friends Go To The Studio