It Helps To Ask Questions
I love it when a client asks a question about something they are struggling with - especially just before a class.
It means I can cue the movements with them in mind.
This particular individual was experiencing symptoms relating to Morton's Neuroma which can be excruciatingly painful with every step.
Fortunately, it was a chance to reinforce the benefits of toe stretching, spreading, top foot stretch, calf stretching, alignment and there was a little opportunity for some shoe education! 🤓👍🏼
Asking your teacher if they can help with something you are experiencing in your body is a chance for bringing what you practice into a more practical and relevant context for your daily living.
It helps make sense of the movements you are learning in class.
Chances are the question you have asked is one that someone else in the class is holding too, so it can be a beneficial process for everyone! 👍🏼
Do you ask you teacher if they can help with something you are experiencing in your body?