Bodyspace Blog

Updates, observations and reflections on movement, teaching movement, feet, footwear and resources and recommendations from the field…

Feet Hayley Brown Feet Hayley Brown

Pressure Underfoot

Can you handle any pressure underfoot? Sensitivity can limit how you move, where you go and what you do on a daily basis. Restoring tolerance to different pressures is possible with gradual exposure to different shapes and textures using different props. If you can tolerate more pressure, your feet will be more receptive to different inputs and your confidence in walking, balance and more will benefit.

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Hayley Brown Hayley Brown

Transition Shoes For Barefoot Beginners

Switching to barefoot minimal shoes requires a gradual process and time for your feet to get used to the more flexible shoe with minimal sole. Transitioning gradually with shoes that have some cushion is great way to start plus some daily foot conditioning. Here’s how…

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