Bodyspace Blog
Updates, observations and reflections on movement, teaching movement, feet, footwear and resources and recommendations from the field…
Transition Shoes For Barefoot Beginners
Switching to barefoot minimal shoes requires a gradual process and time for your feet to get used to the more flexible shoe with minimal sole. Transitioning gradually with shoes that have some cushion is great way to start plus some daily foot conditioning. Here’s how…
What Does Strength Look Like?
I have been exploring approaches to working on strength and balance which you could argue is more about coordination, patience, constancy and focus rather than building muscle bulk and sweating a lot.
Are you new to Restorative Movement?
I have a new class in Oxford with spaces available if you are a beginner or have been thinking about getting in touch and are not sure how to start. This is a small group which means you can really focus on learning the foundations for better movement and how it relates to your body in more detail.