Because Movement Matters.

Build your personal movement toolkit, straight from your inbox. Alignment tips, micro moves and sole grooving inspiration for daily life. No need to wait for the next class or appointment. Jump for joy, reach for the stars and get on with living, one barefoot step at a time.

Focus on the first step, not the whole staircase.

Procrastination is powerful when it comes to any kind of practise.

It’s really easy to put it off until you have more space, more time, the right equipment, or until you’ve had your appointment with the specialist before you do anything that looks like exercise.

But there’s an easier way and I can help you now - straight from your inbox!

After 18 years of teaching movement to many different individuals, one thing is clear:

There is no quick fix.

There is no single exercise that fixes all the problems.

To really get the most out of your body, you need to get to know it better.

In tiny, digestible steps.

Just like learning to play the piano, you need to do scales first and then how to read music and then with practice you can start to improvise and play jazz.

Your body and movement is the same. You need a movement vocabulary, knowledge of some key landmarks and best of all, you can apply what you’re learning along the way because you’ve got your fleshy textbook right there with you.

I share practical, do-it-right-now tips that can be brought in to your daily life.

Tiny adjustments can lead to mighty changes. A little bit of understanding can change your whole perspective.

Don’t wait until you’ve got all your ducks lined up in a tidy row.

“The beauty of the human body, in my opinion, is how it can result in tissue adaptations that make it even more usable.”

— Katy Bowman, Move Your DNA